Practice Areas

Worker’s Compensation For Injured Factory Employees

Chicago Workplace Accident Attorneys

Factory and warehouse jobs are the backbone of American manufacturing industry. Factory workers play an important role in commerce and the production of goods, but they are also at significant risk for workplace injuries. Warehouse and factory workers frequently do heavy lifting, manual labor, and operate heavy machinery as part of their jobs. With job functions like these, workplace accidents and injuries are not uncommon in factory jobs.

If you have been injured while working in a factory or warehouse, you may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits. There are certain legal processes that you must follow in order to receive those benefits, however. The Chicago worker’s compensation law firm of Donald W. Fohrman & Associates, Ltd. focus helping injured employees – including injured factory employees, construction workers, and union employees – obtain the full range of compensation to which they are entitled, including maximum workers’ compensation benefits and any possible third-party claim compensation.

Free Case Consultation
If you have been injured in a workplace factory accident, contact our office to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Chicago factory accident attorneys.

Types of Warehouse and Factory Worker Injuries

Factory workers can be injured in a number of different ways. In some cases, a factory worker may be involved in a workplace accident that results in injuries. In other cases, a factory worker may be exposed to repeated work hazards that result in injuries that occur over time. Some of the more common types of factory injuries include:

What to Do If You Are Injured in a Factory Accident

If you have experienced a work-related injury, it is important to take certain action in order to protect your legal rights to compensation. You should immediately seek medical attention and follow your doctor’s orders for recovery. You must also notify your employer of the accident or injury within 45 days. You should also file a claim with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC).

The skilled Chicago workplace injury attorneys at Donald W. Fohrman & Associates have significant experience helping clients obtain worker’s compensation benefits following a workplace injury or accident. We help guide you through the maze of legal obligations and ensure that you file the appropriate documents within the necessary time limitations. Moreover, we can also help you pursue any third-party causes of action that you may have, as well.

If you are an injured factory worker, contact our office at (800) 437-2571 to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Chicago factory accident attorneys.

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