Dogs aren’t the only animals that cause injury

By Donald W. Fohrman
24 Jun, 2015
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that about 4.5 million dog bites occur annually in the U.S. Sadly, as any dog bite attorney Chicago could attest, these aren’t the only animal-related injuries that happen each year. Many people here in Illinois may also experience injuries involving other animals, ranging from house pets to livestock. When these incidents could have been prevented, victims may have legal recourse. A red Emergency sign at the entrance to a hospital

How does Illinois’ negligence law relate to slip-and-fall injuries?

By Donald W. Fohrman
28 May, 2015
People who injure themselves in a slip-and-fall accident on another person’s property may be able to seek compensation for their injuries, which is a fact known by a Chicago slip-and-fall lawyer. According to Illinois’ negligence law, however, the amount of compensation that injured victims are entitled to may vary depending on fault.

How to prevent a dog bite

By Donald W. Fohrman
25 May, 2015
Although dogs are considered ‘man’s best friend,’ there are situations where canines can turn aggressive. Whether they are agitated or are reacting to some type of event, dogs have a natural instinct to bite. Even minor dog bites can cause a significant amount of pain and trauma to an unsuspecting victim. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reported that up to 47 percent of American households have a dog, as they are one of the country’s favorite household pets. Since many Illinois residents are dog owners, it is crucial that people understand how to act and react towards dogs. A dog bite attorney in Chicago knows that people who can recognize certain canine mannerisms may be able to prevent a serious dog bite from taking place.

What 3 forms of medical evidence should you collect for your injury claim?

By Donald W. Fohrman
12 Apr, 2015
Workers’ compensation in this state is governed by the Illinois Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Diseases Act. Under this law, employers are required to cover necessary medical expenses for employees who were injured on the job. In order to obtain these benefits, employees must file a workers’ compensation claim, as any Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer knows. Additionally, workers must be able to provide documentation of their injuries. Below are three forms of medical evidence that should be gathered in anticipation of a workers’ compensation claim.

Is your hip replacement device causing you pain?

By Donald W. Fohrman
10 Apr, 2015
Medical advancements have helped many Illinois residents. However, in some cases a medical device may be found to contain a dangerous defect. These defects may lead to serious medical complications, perhaps requiring one or more surgeries to rectify. In extreme cases, these defects may result in fatalities, as Illinois injury attorneys would attest. Over the past 10 years, several types of hip implants have been found to be defective. Patients who are now suffering from chronic pain as a result of these implants may have the right to initiate civil lawsuits against the devices’ manufacturers.
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