Domestic Aviation Accidents: Types Of Legal Claims

By Donald W. Fohrman
13 Sep, 2016
Aviation accidents may involve multiple legal claims, including negligence, violations of the Federal Torts Claim Act and products liability claims. When an airplane accident happens, the risk of catastrophic injuries and death is high. Pilot error sometimes factors into airplane crashes, but there may also be defects in the design or manufacture of component parts leading to the crash. An airplane accident lawyer may use experts to help pinpoint all of the potential causes so that he or she might plead the available legal claims appropriately.
Plane mechanic doing his job.

Landlords Have a Duty to Prevent Dog Bites

By Donald W. Fohrman
20 Jul, 2016
Landlords in Illinois have a duty of care that includes the responsibility of protecting tenants and visitors from dog bites. This duty includes making sure that dangerous dogs are not housed on the property, making sure tenants adhere to lease terms and stipulations, and ensuring that doors, gates, etc. are properly secured so that dogs living on the property can't get out of their residence or yard to cause harm to others.
Landlords Have a Duty to Prevent Dog Bites

Dangerous Dog Breeds: What You Need to Know

By Donald W. Fohrman
25 May, 2016
Dogs aren't always man's best friend. Some dog breeds are downright dangerous and can be prone to sudden and violent outbursts. In Illinois, the Animal Control Act holds owners of dangerous dogs accountable for the injuries their "pets" cause to others.
Dangerous Dog Breeds: What You Need to Know

Faster Speed Limits Linked to Rise in U.S. Car Accidents [infographic]

By Donald W. Fohrman
30 Apr, 2016
According to a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), over the last 20 years higher speed limits have resulted in over 33,000 auto accident fatalities. In 2013, more than 19,000 fatalities canceled out the number of lives saved by frontal airbags. In Illinois, thousands of people injured in highway auto accidents consulted Illinois personal injury lawyers for legal assistance.

Public Playground Safety: What You Need to Know

By Donald W. Fohrman
16 Apr, 2016
Approximately 75% of nonfatal playground injuries occur on playgrounds designed for public use such as schools and parks. Most parents assume their children are safest on school playgrounds, where there is someone to monitor them, but this is actually where the most injuries occur. Public parks come in second, and daycare centers have the least instance of injury.
Public Playground Safety: What You Need to Know
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