Category: Workers’ Compensation
Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation for Repetitive Trauma Injuries?
By Donald W. Fohrman
Repetitive stress injuries, or repetitive trauma injuries, are those medical conditions that are caused by the repetition of a specific action. One of the most common repetitive stress injuries is carpal tunnel syndrome, but other common repetitive stress injuries include: Bursitus Trigger finger Tendonitis Ganglion cysts Muscle inflammation Rotator cuff injuries Chronic neck pain Spinal […]
When Are Mental Illnesses Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
By Donald W. Fohrman
Workers’ compensation benefits are generally available for injuries that arise out of the course of employment. While most work-related injuries include physical injuries – such as back injuries, repetitive stress injuries, and nerve damage – workers’ compensation benefits may also be available for mental and psychological injuries, as well. An Illinois appeals court recently confirmed […]
What Evidence Do I Need to Provide to Prove that an Injury Occurred While on the Job?
By Donald W. Fohrman
Injured workers are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for work-related injuries that arise out of the course of employment or are causally connected to the employee’s job duties. Obtaining workers’ compensation benefits for a repetitive stress injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, can present a number of unique challenges, however. For instance, an employee may […]
How Do Neutral Risks Affect Workers’ Compensation?
By Donald W. Fohrman
How Do Neutral Risks Affect Workers’ Compensation? Workers’ compensation benefits are generally available to any employee who suffers an on-the-job injury. In fact, workers’ compensation benefits may be available for injuries that are sustained outside of the workplace as long as the injury arose out of the course of employment. For instance, a restaurant delivery […]
Workers’ Compensation suit against Cassens Transport Company can proceed
By Donald W. Fohrman
The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a lawsuit brought by Michigan workers against their Illinois based employer, Cassens Transport Company. The lawsuit alleges that the employer, the Workers' Compensation insurance company, Crawford & Company and physician Dr. Saul Margules, committed mail fraud, wire fraud and violated the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act or RICO Act.