Truck company liability in Illinois

By Donald W. Fohrman
7 Dec, 2014
When truck accidents occur, it is not always immediately evident who is at fault. If negligence, carelessness, distracted driving or alcohol are involved in the crash, the operator is typically the person who is liable. However, in other cases, the driver may not be responsible at all. There are many instances in Illinois where the trucking company or a third party should share accountability or be held solely liable for the accident.
Truck company liability in Illinois

What is cognitive distraction?

By Donald W. Fohrman
2 Nov, 2014
Cognitive function is also known as attention, and a distraction is anything that draws the focus away from the task at hand. It usually occurs because an individual is attempting to do more than one thing at a time. This is known as multi-tasking and is often considered a skill in some settings. However, when a person is driving and attempting to perform another activity simultaneously, the results can be deadly.
What is cognitive distraction?

Reviewing your insurance policy can prevent unnecessary problems after a car accident

By Donald W. Fohrman
1 Nov, 2014
Insurance companies have a duty to deal honestly with the people they insure. According to the Illinois Department of Insurance, the insured has the right to assume that, in the event of a car accident, the insurance will cover the cost of damages and medical expenses according to the terms of the policy. However, this is not always the case. Many policies cover omit coverage for certain expenses or include coverage that is not necessary, and an insurance company may even attempt to avoid paying a claim.
Reviewing your insurance policy can prevent unnecessary problems after a car accident

Stores’ responsibility to protect people from slip-and-fall accidents

By Donald W. Fohrman
31 Oct, 2014
According to the National Safety Council, nearly 9 million Americans visit the emergency room as a result of falls each year. Common injuries include head trauma, broken bones, lacerations and sprains, as well as others. When slip-and-fall accidents take place on a business’s premises, it is possible the owner is at fault and should be held liable for any damages that occur as a direct result.
How does Illinois’ negligence law relate to slip-and-fall injuries?

Whiplash can lead to chronic pain after a car accident

By Donald W. Fohrman
15 Oct, 2014
A sprain or strain is a soft tissue injury, and when this type of damage happens in the neck, it is called whiplash. Individuals in Illinois who are in automobile crashes frequently experience the condition due to the sudden stretching and bending of the neck. Injuries often include damage to the joints, discs, muscles and nerves. It is critical for a person who is in a motor vehicle accident to seek treatment, even when the injury does not appear to be significant at first. Symptoms may be present immediately after the injury, or may not show up for several days afterward. When pain signals continue in the nervous system for six months or longer, the pain is considered chronic.
Whiplash can lead to chronic pain after a car accident
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