Sexual harassment victims have a right to compensation

By Donald W. Fohrman
26 Feb, 2015
Sexual harassment is demeaning and unacceptable in any circumstance. In addition to the recourse offered through the Illinois Department of Human Rights, victims in Illinois may be able to receive compensation for their experience under the civil laws of the state. These laws make it illegal for individuals to sexually harass others and places the liability for any damages that may arise due to the misconduct squarely on the offending parties or their employers.

Sexual Harassment

By Donald W. Fohrman
6 May, 2013
Illinois Labor Update A jury recently found that having a anti-sexual harassment policy just isn’t enough to guard against lawsuits. The EEOC sued the owner of a franchise restaurant on behalf of 2 young women who were sexually harassed by an older manager. When they reported the harassment to another manager, that manager “blew them […]
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