Nursing Home Evictions Soar in Illinois

By Donald W. Fohrman
14 Sep, 2017
The rate of nursing home evictions has gone up dramatically over the last few years. This staggering increase has lawmakers and organizations rushing to implement new policies to cut back on the number of wrongful discharges.

Cuts to Medicaid Could Force People Out Of Nursing Homes

By Donald W. Fohrman
23 Aug, 2017
The proposed cuts to Medicaid imperil the millions of retirees who depend on the government program for their nursing home care services. Earlier this year Republicans proposed steep cuts to Medicaid as part of the effort to roll-back the “Obamacare” healthcare reforms. Medicaid pays for the majority of people who reside in nursing homes. Any changes to the program, without alternative funding and support structures, would rile the nursing home industry.

Rising Obesity Rates Strain Nursing Home Facilities

By Donald W. Fohrman
9 Aug, 2017
As obesity rates rise, nursing homes are struggling to provide assisted-living care to obese and morbidly obese patients. Since these patients often require specialized equipment and more work-hours, and they increase the risk for staff injuries, many nursing homes simply can't keep up. As a result, many nursing homes are rejecting obese patients altogether.

Investigating Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse

By Donald W. Fohrman
21 Jul, 2017
A nursing home neglect or abuse investigation can uncover if a loved one is beating treated poorly. Substantiating evidence of abuse or neglect can help a family recover damages for the injuries that a loved one has suffered.

Staff Shortages Lead to Nursing Home Abuse, Neglect

By Donald W. Fohrman
11 Jul, 2017
As acute shortages of nursing assistants and other health care professionals continue to plague nursing homes throughout the nation, disabled victims and vulnerable elderly people are left to pay. And while America's senior population continues to grow (currently at about 48 million), nursing homes deny care to thousands of patients, victims are neglected and abused, and patient care is being compromised. Experts warn that this is only the beginning. With low wages, lack of funding and few workers willing to perform such emotionally and physically demanding work, finding employees is difficult. Therefore, many people with disabilities and aging individuals who require round the clock care will continue to suffer.
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